We use the Kentucky Early Childhood Standards and Teaching Strategies GOLD curriculum as our guides in developing our curriculum. We document each child’s progress as they meet objectives on the developmental continuum laid out by Teaching Strategies beginning in our infant classrooms. Individualized goals for children are established based on the continuum. Each classroom builds on the successes of the previous classroom with all classrooms working towards the goal of school readiness and success. Information gathered on each child is placed in a portfolio that parents are welcome to view at anytime. The information gathered in the portfolios is given to parents when the child leaves the center to share with the child’s kindergarten teacher.
We also use the Brigance and Ages and Stages screening tools. These tools also help to determine if a child needs further evaluation or services. We use these tools to improve our curriculum and teaching plans to ensure school readiness.
The following goals have been established for our Center:
~Assist the child in acquiring speaking (expressive) and listening (receptive) skills necessary for thinking and problem solving.
~Assist the child in developing visual discrimination and auditory perception (sensory-perceptual) skills necessary for interpreting the world around them.
~Assist the child in developing large (gross) and small (fine) motor skills necessary for maximum participation in the physical aspects of life.
~Assist the child in acquiring social (interpersonal) skills necessary for interacting with others.
~Assist the child in acquiring self-care (intrapersonal) skills necessary for achieving independence-emotional security. During the process of achieving the above goals, each child will have the opportunity to be an active participant in achieving positive attitudes toward themselves (positive self-image), toward learning, toward others and toward their environment.
We strictly follow state mandated child-to-teacher ratios.
About half of our staff have a Child Development Associate (CDA) Credential™ or an Associates, Bachelor's or Master's degree. All of our teachers are trained in CPR/First Aid.
Hannah Riddle is our director. She is responsible for our team of roughly 30 staff members, ensuring we meet child-staff ratios, overseeing the building/maintenance, and coordinating time off. She has been with GCDC since 2017 and has served in many different roles during her time with us. She also has her Infant/Toddler CDA. She can be reached at georgetownchild@gmail.com.
Haley Lindon is our curriculum coordinator. Haley is responsible for our curriculum, programming, lesson plans, developmental screenings, and overall classroom management. She has a Bachelor's Degree in Psychology and a double minor in Sociology and Child Development. She started as a college co-op with GCDC in 2022 and stayed after graduation. Her email is gcdcprogrammanager@gmail.com.
Paula Sue Smith has been with GCDC since 2004 and serves as our business manager. She oversees the food program, all of our billing for both parents and our federal and state programs, payroll, and any other budgetary needs/requirements. She can be reached at gcdcbusinessmgr@gmail.com.
Amanda Palmer serves as our public relations manager. She manages our website, Facebook page, enrollment and serves as a back-up to all other areas of the team. She has a Bachelor's Degree in Public Relations and before starting at GCDC was involved with non-profit management and communications. She has been with GCDC since 2013. Her email is gcdcprmanager@gmail.com.